Cultural landmarks
Go on an excursion in scenic heritage settings
Pack a picnic and head off on a journey to discover some beautiful cultural landmarks and find out about times gone by and the people of that time. Many of the places are not far from each other, so plan your trip if you want to visit several places in one day
Cultural landmarks
Alebo hälsokälla, Unnaryd
Latitude: 56.94538, Longitude: 13.52320
Alebo health spring can be found in Unnaryd
next to the heritage building, Alebo Pensionat.
Its popularity dates back to the 17th century
and visitors can still drink the mineral-rich
water today.
Bosgårdsfallet, Torup
You’ll find this 11-metre high waterfall
directly west of Torup on the left-hand side
of the Falkenberg road. There was a working
foundry here until the start of the 1930s.
There are some beautiful walks round here.
Hitta Hit (
Brunnsbacka sågkvarn, Unnaryd
Latitude: 56.98186, Longitude: 13.54052
Restored saw, mill and wood planer from the
18th and 19th centuries. The sawmill is the
only one of its kind in Halland county.
The mill is in a beautiful area next to Lake
Kroksjön, outside Unnaryd. For a tour, contact Göran Peyronson on +46(0)706-87 15 63.
Erik Räfs stuga, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.05145, Longitude: 13.37475
It is said that Erik Räf lived in this mountain
cave near Långaryd. As the legend goes, Erik
Räf was half-man, half-troll. The path to the
cave is clearly marked, where you can read all
about the legend.
Esters källa, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.05088, Longitude: 13.36718
It is by this spring that, in 1883, Ester inscribed
the year and her name on a stone while waiting
for her darling Johannes, who had been sent
to America. Continue past Långaryd church
for about 1 km to the village of Mogård. The
spring is on the right behind a small red croft
on the right-hand side of the road.
Fagerstenen, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.04208, Longitude: 13.43683
The ruins of a forge. The legendary Gustav
Fager, who lived 200 years ago, was Långaryd’s strongest man. It is said that he lifted
this boulder, weighing 350 kg, into place.
Femsjö kyrkby, Femsjö
Latitude: 56.89184, Longitude: 13.32769
Visit this well-preserved cultural site in the
village of Femsjö with its church, church stables, rectory, school and Fries museum. Next
to the old school in Femsjö there is an information building where you can find detailed
information about the history and nature of
the area. See also
Fågeltornet i Färgån, Åker
Latitude: 56.99301, Longitude: 13.33826
Fågeltornet is a birdwatching tower about
7 km from Hyltebruk on the Unnaryd road.
Large flocks of ducks, swans and geese come
here to roost on the ice melt, since the ice on
the lakes is slow to thaw and Färgån is the
first open stretch of water.
Gravfältet Bedja rör, Unnaryd
Latitude: 56.93192, Longitude: 13.57439
This burial ground lies in a beautiful area
along the Unnaryd–Odensjö road. It’s home
to many examples of graves from the early
and late Bronze Age.
Gunnars karusell, Drängsered
Latitude: 57.036130, Longitude: 12.947750
Gunnar was known in the village as a man
who could build and repair things with what
was in his forge or wood from his sawmill.
This merry-go-round was built in 1974 for his relatives’ children and for the children
in the village who wanted something fun to
visit in the forest. The merry-go-round is on
private land and owned by Gunnar’s relatives. You are free to visit at your own risk.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Risk of crushing!
Trehövdad gravsten, Färgaryd
Latitude: 56.9992, 4 Longitude: 13.30612
The cemetery in Färgaryd is home to a unique
tombstone with three carved human heads.
It was erected in memory of Cicilia, who in the
17th century unwittingly married two men.
Her first husband was called Måns and was believed to have died as a prisoner of war. Cicilia
married again to a man called Peder, but the
‘dead’ Måns was released and returned home.
All three lived together until Måns’ death.
Jälluntofta Skyttepaviljong, Jälluntofta
Latitude: 57.06051, Longitude: 13.53547
This well-preserved rifle club pavilion dates
back to the early 1900s. Located opposite
Chalanderska museet.
Höljeryd, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.00060, Longitude: 13.42098
This is where the ancestors of the Långaryd
family, county sheriff Anders Jönsson and
Ingrid Nilsdotter, lived and worked. Next to
the river, there once stood a large and a small
paper mill, a watermill and a sawmill.
The Långaryd family ( is the world’s largest documented
family. 1.5% of Sweden’s population belong
to the family.
Jättefällestenen, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.06475, Longitude: 13.45917
Jättefällestenen is a large boulder marked
with a cross. It lies on top of a flat rock, so
you can make it move
Klockgölen, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.07005, Longitude: 13.36253
Legend has it that Klockgölen is a bottomless
pool containing a hidden treasure chest.
Within walking distance from highway 26.
Knysta hall, Rydöbruk
Latitude: 56.95991, Longitude: 13.13639
In the middle of Rydöbruk stands a 10-metre
high glacial boulder which once marked
the border between Sweden and Denmark
(and today marks the boundary between
Småland and Halland). According to legend,
the boulder had been thrown by a giant in
Torup, who was irritated by the sound of the
Långaryd church bell. However, the boulder
only reached as far as Rydöbruk. It is also
said that the boulder turns over every time it
smells freshly baked bread!
Lahultsqwarn, Rydöbruk
In the early 1800s, there was a mill on the
bank of the weir on the river Klubbån in
Rydöbruk, owned at the time by the farmers.
Later, a turbine was built which could power
a sawmill. There was also a blacksmith’s and
carpenter’s workshop here.
This stone trough was built to transport timber and stretches for 11 kilometres. It starts
in the Mjälarsjöarna lakes and runs along the
River Gammelsboån, through Lake Sandsjön,
along the River Klubbån, before ending its
journey at the factory dam in Rydöbruk. It
still survives.
Slottet på Högadahl
The residence of Squire Petersson, which he
called ‘Slottet’, the Castle. A beautiful terraced
garden surrounded the house and you can
still see the remains of the stone walls. These
days, the mill weir on the River Klubbån is a
popular spot for picnics and hiking.
Lunna rör, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.07942, Longitude 13.35635
A very large cairn from the Bronze Age.
There is also a stone circle nearby.
Långaryds marknadsplats, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.02834, Longitude: 13.35129
This was where Långaryd fair was held from
1770 until 1947. The site can be found on
the road from Långaryd to Södra Unnaryd,
where you can still see an old market stall. A
traditional market is held there every other
year and is always very popular.
Nissaryd skans, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.02420, Longitude: 13.33830
In the 1540s, Långaryd still bordered
Denmark. A fort was erected at Nissaryd
to safeguard against invasions and raids by
the Danes. A more detailed description is
available at the site, which is also suitable
for a picnic.
Näs gamla tomt, Långaryd
Latitude: 56.97489, Longitude: 13.35783
An old rectory once stood here, where the
legendary priest Carl Johan Ivendorff lived in
the mid-1800s. Legend has it that the priest
had dealings with supernatural creatures and
was skilled in black magic.
Ramnåsberget, Torup
Latitude 56.95285, Longitude: 13.09417
Ramnäsberget mountain is in a natural
beauty spot just outside Torup with a view of
the Nissan valley, Rydöbruk and Torup.
Ringhults kvarn
Latitude: 57.01422, Longitude: 13.45209
These are the ruins of an old watermill in
S:t Sigfrids källa, Femsjö
Latitude: 56.87186, Longitude: 13.31021
S:t Sigfrids källa is a spring that looks like a
triangle cut directly into a slab of rock located
near the Femsjö-Kullhult road. It is said that
the spring was opened by Saint Sigfrid, who
was believed to have been a preacher in this
area in the 11th century. Another myth says
that it was formed when Karl XII laid his hat
on the rock.
Tidemans holme, Torup
Latitude: 56.93258, Longitude: 13.07526
Remains of a medieval fortress with a bank
85 metres long and a moat 65 metres long.
Iron arrowheads, horseshoes, spurs and coins
have been found in the ground. The finds can
be seen at Torups hembygdsgård.
Tånga linbasta, Jälluntofta
Latitude: 57.04883, Longitude: 13.54695
The kiln served as a drying house for flax.
Made of logs, the kiln was originally built in
the 1700s and remained in use until 1922. It
is located along the hiking trail in Jälluntofta.
Vrangs rör, Femsjö
Latitude: 56.84962, Longitude: 13.27985
A large Bronze Age cairn near Kullhult. It is
believed to have acted as a boundary marker
when the border between Sweden and Denmark was first drawn in 1050.
Vägvisaren, Unnaryd
Latitude: 56.94764, Longitude: 13.56172
This old waymarker stands on the left-hand
side of the road from Unnaryd to Bolmsö. It
dates from 1777 and has become a symbol
for Unnaryd. The stone is a boundary marker
which was moved here. At the crossroads
with Tiraholm one direction and Kronoberg
County the other, it served as a waymarker
for travellers from Unnaryd.
Yttersjöholms skola, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.08310, Longitude: 13.46196
The school building was opened in 1918 and
teaching continued until 1959. Next to it is Yttersjöholm Sawmill and the old restored
forge. Book a tour on +46(0)70-52 470 60
Yttersjöholms sågkvarn, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.08103, Longitude: 13.46048
The mill was built around 1860 and the saw,
1914. There was also a planer for the production of roof shingles and a fully restored forge
dating back 150 years old.
Book a tour on +46(0)70-52 470 60
Ögonkällan, Skattegård, Långaryd
Latitude: 57.03887, Longitude: 13.36910
A spring deep down in a rock crevice said to
have a beneficial effect on eye diseases.
Övregårds grav fält, Torup
Latitude: 56.95118, Longitude: 13.12420
You can find one of Halland's largest Iron
Age burial grounds off the Torup-Mjälahult
road. In this well-preserved field, you can see
three royal tombs, several distinct trixulas,
stone circles, standing stones, cairns and
raised stones.
5 tips for a successful picnic
Översättning saknas!!
Ett måste är att packa maten i är en kylväska. Slå två flugor i en smäll och ta med frysta vattenflaskor som
isklampar, då har du kallt vatten länge och dessutom mer plats i väs kan för annat.
Packa maten i olika burkar: en för krispig sallad, en för sås och en annan för frukt. På så vis riskerar du inte att salladen eller brödet blir mosigt. Använd med fördel locken till burkarna som uppläggningsfat, skärbräda eller tallrik.
Köp gärna maten i någon av Hylte bygdens gårdsbutiker för bästa smakupplevelsen.
A och O på en picknick är våtservetter för fräscha händer både före och
efter måltiden.
Tänk på att vått underlag ofta är hal
Sist men inte minst, glöm inte filten för mysfaktorn!